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ESJGeo: Equity and Social Justice Geography Tool

a geographical assessment and screening tool

ESJGeo was developed to support local government agencies, non-profits and volunteer organizations in the pursuit of equitable out comes.  It is based on nationally consistent data and an approach that combines demographic indicators and user defined weights.





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What is ESJGeo?

How ESJGeo was developed
Purposes and Uses


Issaquah, WA

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results for this featured City

Learn to Use ESJGeo

Learn how to use ESJGeo

Tulsa, OK

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results for this featured City

Understanding Results

Demographic Indicators
Z Scores
Block Groups


Allentown, PA

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results for this featured City





ESJGeo: Equity and Social Justice Geography Tool

ESJGeo web mapping as a service.


Spatial Data Analysis.

GIS Application Development

Custom web GIS development to fit any need.